Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Anticipating the Journey

     During the past two summers I have been blessed with the opportunity to travel to Rwanda and partner with Africa New Life Ministries-serving the Rwandan people, building special relationships with individuals and families there, and making many long-lasting memories with people I met along the way. At 17 years old, and as fair skinned as could be, I made my first journey to Africa.  Two red-eyes and a cross-Atlantic flight landed me in Ethiopia.  Then, after a few more hours of flying (on a less substantial, and potentially less trustworthy plane) I found myself walking across the runway into the Kigali airport.  I was finally in Rwanda!  This trip, specifically, had been two years in the making; but God has had big plans for me from long before I was born.  My childhood dreams of being a missionary doctor in Africa have developed into something much more tangible.  The second my feet were on that Rwandan soil and I saw that red dirt I knew this was exactly where I was supposed to be-in that moment and in the future.
     Somewhere in the midst of the college application process my dad asked me the question: "If you could spend a year in Rwanda instead of going straight to school next year, would you?" I immediately replied, "Of course!"  Up until that point I had been looking at schools but never felt secure in which one I wanted to attend, I knew which were my favorites, but still no matter how much I looked at one or the other not one of them felt “right”.  But I found instant security in this path my dad had suggested, one I would never have dreamed to ask for! So the hunt for a gap year program was on...The journey towards this decision has involved a great deal of thought and prayer, and also a great deal of patience.  It was not easy to listen to the very decided plans of my classmates, how they were going to this school or that, while I sat there not knowing which country I was going to be in next year, let alone which school I would be at.  But finally I can say, with much confidence and excitement, that...
     As of October, I will be serving with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) at their base just outside Nairobi, Kenya. YWAM is one of the world's largest Christian mission organizations. Moreover, it is an international volunteer organization made up of Christians from all parts of the world that have come together for the sole purpose “to know God and make Him known." One of the major ways that YWAM carries out this mission is by organizing schools that focus on biblical foundations and character development in addition to the more tangible missions. Over the years, this program has further developed into Discipleship Training School (DTS). I will be attending a five month DTS in Kenya. My time there will be compromised of twelve weeks of lecture and eight weeks of outreach.  Among other topics, the lecture phase will include the study of Missions, evangelism, forgiveness, worldview, and the character and nature of God. The outreach phase will allow myself and my fellow students to apply what we have learned and a chance to truly "go and make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19) by loving on and meeting the needs of the Kenyan people.
     Now I find myself pursuing a life of distance.  Distance from my family, my boyfriend, my friends, my home...distance from all people and things familiar to me, all of which I love and hold dear to my heart. By no means do I believe this will be easy.  On the contrary, I believe this next year, as I spend more time living in Africa than I ever have before, will be the most difficult of my life. As I prepare to travel back to Kenya I know will find myself falling in love with that red dirt and those beaming African faces all over again.  I am ecstatic!  I cannot wait to interact with all the children in the villages surrounding Nairobi.  I cannot wait to laugh with them, to “love-on” them, to pray with them...I cannot wait confirm in them that they are loved and cherished children of The Most High God, and He has not forgotten them!
     In the midst of my preparation for this upcoming adventure, I am beginning to overflow with anticipation.  I know these next five months will not allow me to simply do something “good” or just introduce me to unforgettable friends; these next five months are significant a first step of a journey the span of a lifetime…
My journey has stemmed from a now fourteen-year-old dream.  And I am so ready to see where it takes me!  I am reminded of some lyrics from an Addison Road song, “If I have to jump, then I’ll jump. And I won’t look down.”  This trip is definitely going to be a leap from my comfort zone, but I’m taking it.  There’s no looking back. There is only, as my fellow Disney lovers might say, to “keep moving forward!”  When I arrive home from Kenya in March 2013, I will find myself getting a new job and reuniting with my family.  But I know these next few months will fly by and I will soon find myself preparing to go back to school at long last.  I plan to begin attending George Fox University in Newberg, OR as of fall of 2013.  I will be majoring in Christian Ministries with a focus in Missions and working towards a degree in Pre-Occupational Therapy.  And then, who knows where this incredibly amazing journey will take me from there?  But after such big adventures this next year, it will be good to find myself closer to home throughout the rest of my studies.
     Again, this trip to Kenya is just one (yes rather large) step in my life-long journey. It is my prayer that you are able to join me in this journey.  No journey can be made alone.  The more I have come to realize how little this experience is about myself, but about the life of service God has called me to, I am continually acknowledging this is something I cannot even do by myself.  I desperately the support of my friends and family, and that is something I am so grateful to have always received.  But as I take this upcoming leap, it will only become more and more difficult to keep looking forward, through the moments of struggle that are sure to come.  But I am faithful God has already prepared for encouragement to continue building up around me along the way, for it is building each day as new connections with my soon-to-be best friends go stronger and stronger.  I am so grateful to the community God has surrounded me with and the prayers that are rising up out of that!
     If you would like to partner with me in prayer during these upcoming months, some things I will be praying for are:
  • God’s protection- especially health wise as I face a long term trip
  • God’s wisdom as He prepares me to be an advocate for His people
  • God’s clarity as He is constantly revealing the plans He has in store 
  • God’s financial provision for all expenses that come up
     I thank you, friends, for joining me in the adventure of a lifetime.  I thank you for choosing to open your ears and your hearts as I set out to be an advocate for the need God has revealed to me in eastern Africa.

~ Chloe Anne